
Usual Sunday service

Sunday 9.30am:  Parish Communion 

Coffee is served after the 9.30am Service.

First Sunday of the month: All Together service at 10am

Coffee served at 9.30am. Service starts at 10am. 

Please check the page for the month ahead  for details of services coming up

Midweek Services 

Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday  9am

In Church (and on ZOOM): Monday and Tuesday

On ZOOM: Monday to Friday 

Contact us for the Zoom link

Please check the page for the month ahead  for details of services coming up

Lunch Club Communion:  2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 12pm  

A Book of Common Prayer service, held at 12pm before our lunch club meets. Contact us for details.

(Lunch Club doesn't meet over the summer holidays)

Wednesday Evening Service:  7.30pm  

On the first Wednesday of each month we gather for Taize prayers or Evening prayer from the Iona Community.

On Zoom or in person (check month's schedule for details)

(The Wednesday evening service doesn't take place over August)