News and Events

Access and Green Spaces Project

We're really grateful for groups and individuals having taken the time to comment on proposed changes to St Mary's accessibility and green spaces.

The form remains open and you can click here to look at the plans and to share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas.

Overview of plans for green spaces and access

Arts and Craft Exhibition

Poster with knitted church

On Saturday 18th May, alongside the Christian Aid Market, we are holding a small exhibition of arts and crafts made by St Mary's members, past and present, many of them connected to the life of St Mary's in some way. 

Do drop in from 10.30am to 1.30pm, and take a look.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM): 12th May 2024

On Sunday 12th May we'll gather at 11am, after our morning service, for our Annual Meeting. Beginning with the election of  Church Wardens, we'll then review together the Church's Annual report for 2023, including accounts. 

Ash Wednesday Service: 14th February at 7.30pm

Join us for a simple, traditional service of Communion and the imposition of ashes. A beautiful and poignant start to Lent.

Race Justice Action Group (RJAG) Listening Exercise

The Racial Justice Action Group (‘RJAG’) has invited us to use their listening exercise to help their work. They hope that the results will alert the group to race related problems that exist or might exist in our diocese, so that they can then better target action plans to address those issues.  

 The survey is anonymous and everyone who attends St Mary’s, and anyone who has attended in the past, for any length of time, is invited to take part. Please click here to complete the survey. The form will stay open until Easter 2024.

Little Lights Baby and Toddler Group
Starts Wednesday 10th January 2024

St Mary's had a very popular toddler group running pre-Covid and we're delighted that it's back, new and refreshed, with activities and crafts for little ones aged 0-4, and their grown ups. Join us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 1.30 to 3pm for chat, refreshments and play.

Little lights poster. Details in web post.

Christmas Fair: Saturday 18th November

A huge thank you to everyone who came and supported our Christmas Fair on 18th November. It was a wonderful day, with many smiles and much joy. 

All Souls 

We have two special services coming up to remember and give thanks for those we have loved and who now rest in God's peace.
On Thursday 2nd, at 6pm we have a Eucharist for All Souls.
And on Saturday 4th November at 3pm is our shorter, very accessible, service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving. 
Both with space to light a candle in memory of those we love and see now longer.

Service of Remembrance poster

Harvest Festival Thanks

Our Harvest Festival service was a joyful, chicken themed, noise and celebration this year. Huge thanks for everyone who came and supported - some lovely results from our collection.

Harvest thanks 2023

Giving Renewal Campaign September 2023

Over September, we have asked members of the St Mary's community to pray and reflect on their regular giving to the church. We are delighted to be able to share the results of this campaign:

  • 73 Letters sent      
  • 42 Response cards returned
  • Pledges received:
  • 10.35% increase to regular giving  = an additional £5438 (including gift aid) over the year. 
  • One-off donations of £650. 

What an amazing response. This increase in regular giving will make a very real difference to our ability to plan and bring to fruition hopes and dreams for St Mary's. Thank you thank you thank you! 

Harvest Thanksgiving

Join us this coming Sunday, 1st October, for our Harvest Thanksgiving service, jointly led by our Girl Guides, Brownies and Rainbows. The service starts at 10am, with refreshments from 9.30am. 

Harvest 2023

Giving Renewal Campaign September 2023

This month we are asking all those who love and value the ministry of St Mary’s to consider giving regularly to our church, or review the amount that they already give. More information is available on the noticeboards in church; in the leaflet that can be picked up from the lobby and here. We are so grateful for the many ways our community love and support St Mary's Marshalswick.

Holiday At Home: August 2023

We had a wonderful four days at St Mary's from 31st July to 4th August, with our Holiday at Home. You can see photos from the week below.

Christian Aid Market

Poster image for marketJoin us on Saturday 20th May from 10.30am for a market to raise money for Christian Aid. With cafe serving hot food and fresh coffee and lots of stalls to browse, there's something for everyone.

Holiday At Home 2023

4 people sitting outside in the church garden on a sunny dayWe are delighted to announce that our popular Holiday at Home initiative will be running again this summer. The Holiday at Home in St Mary’s Church will take place this year from Monday 31st July to Thursday 3rd August 2023. Each day activities are planned, and there is also space to relax, play games and share stories. A day out, with lunch included and travelling by coach, will be a highlight. 

If you are over 75, and live on your own in St Mary’s parish, we would love you to join us. Please get in touch to find out more and to book your space. You can also download a booking form by clicking on this link.

Lent 2023

picture of ash and the words Lent at St MarysDetails of groups, books and services for Lent (starting 22nd February) are now available. Download our leaflet or visit our dedicated page for more information.

Sunday 5th February: All Together Service

Our new pattern of services begins this coming Sunday. Colourful image of dove advertising all age service on 5th February

From now on, First Sundays are All Together services - slightly shorter and slightly less formal than other Sundays. 

Refreshments served from 9.30am, service starts at 10am.

St Mary's Holiday at Home 2023
Save the Date!

Our Holiday at Home will take place this year from Monday 31 July to Thursday 3 August. 

If you are over 75 and live on your own in the parish we would love you to join us, so please do save the date and more details will follow in due course.

 If you would like to be involved and are able to help, then please do come and have a chat. 

Thank you! Julia

 Concert for Christian Aid - Friends in Tune

Christian Aid Concert

Saturday 18 February  7.30 pm

Dagnall Street Baptist Church

Free entry

Donations for Christian Aid invited

Call for Help: Christmas Fair 2023!!

We are beginning to look ahead to our Christmas Fair to be held on Saturday 18 November 2023. 
If you would be interested in joining the team and co-ordinating a stall we would love to hear from you. 
Once again we are hoping to collect donations throughout the year so do keep an eye out for the weekly reminders of the items we will be collecting each month. During January you can donate any unused Christmas cards and decorations and regift any unwanted Christmas presents. 
Thank you!  Julia

Make St Mary's Count Winter Warmer

winter warmer

Good news! Make St Mary’s Count are planning another Winter Warmer event - a Soup Lunch on Saturday 11 February, always a popular event!

We start serving at 12.30 pm (please don’t come any earlier) with a wonderful selection of home-made soups; assorted bread and cheese, and a fantastic raffle. No tickets needed, donations on the day. 

Thank you for all the Christmas Donations

Thank you to everyone who generously donated, stitched, decorated, etc towards one or more of the following to help make Christmas and this time of year better for others whom we do not know …
Contributions to the Food Bank;
Gifts for the male asylum seekers at the Noke;
St Albans Winter Beds project through 
Church Christmas card (this raised £250)
Carol Service Collection;
stitched/decorated hearts for Anna Chaplaincy to distribute to residential and nursing homes ;
Children’s Society - Christmas Eve collection
Thank you also for your donations to the Christmas flowers in church.


Advent candles. List of events in the main text.

Every week in Advent there is a special service or activity taking place. It can be so precious to find a bit of space for reflection and prayer in this busy season - you are welcome at any or all of these events.

Saturday 26th November: 10am to 3.30pm
Quiet day (at Redbourn Parish Church)

Sunday 27th November: 6pm

Advent Carol Service (at St Saviour's Church)

Sunday 4th December: 6.30pm

Advent Taize service

Sunday 11th December: 6.30pm

Service for Wholeness and Healing

Sunday 18th December: 6.30pm

Cardlelit Carol Service

Christmas Services 


Our website has been updated with Christmas services for 2022 - check out the special page or download our Christmas leaflet

Fayrfax Consort: Wednesday 7 December 2022

Fayrfax 2022

Concert at St Mary's on Wednesday 7 December   8.00 pm

'A Christmas Cracker'
Tickets: £9 for adults / £3 for students and under 18s
 by candlelight to welcome Christmas, followed by refreshments.

Contact: 01727 852364 for tickets

 Larger version of poster here

Christmas Fair  - 19 November 2022

Our annual Christmas Fair was held recently and was a great success, socially and financially.  We are so grateful for all the work and effort that went into the Fair and for the support of all those who came or supported it in any way.

For some of the photos of the Fair, scroll through the document below ....

Welcome Sermon Series: Autumn 2022

In early Autumn 2022, we ran a special sermon series on 'welcome' as we explore our newly articulated Church  values together: Welcoming People; Welcoming Spaces; Welcoming Everyone. Texts from 3 of these sermons can be downloaded here.

Sunday 18th September: Welcoming Children and Families, 1 Samuel 3:1-18 and John 6:1-14, Paul Wiggins

Sunday 25th September: Welcoming the StrangerHebrews 13:1-8 and Matthew 25:31-45, Ruth Goatly

Sunday 2nd October, Welcoming Christ in the OtherMatthew 26:6-13 and Isaiah 63:1-9, Kate Pearson

All Souls and a Season of Remembering

November is a special time in the Church that we set aside to remember those close to us who are no longer with us but who rest in the peace of Christ.Candle 2

We have two services in church; all are welcome to either or both services. There will be a chance during each service for people to light a candle in memory of loved one/s. 
Wednesday 2 November,   All Souls’ Day, 7.30 pm: Sung Eucharist and Commemoration of the Faithful Departed Saturday 5 November,   3.00  pm:  Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance

Refreshments will be served in the church hall afterwards. If you also wish for the name(s) of your loved one(s) to be read out at this service, please add their names to the list on the Notice Board in the Church Entrance or by email.

Holiday At Home

The summer saw the return of our wonderful Holiday at Home - four days for the older members of our community to enjoy one another's company and take part in some fun activities. Our volunteers worked tirelessly to host; organise; cook; tidy and entertain. We can't wait for next summer now! 

All-Age and Family Friendly Services Coming up:

These special services are a little bit shorter than usual Sundays and are designed to engage all ages. 

Harvest festival 2022

Our next All-Together service will be on Sunday 9th October 2022 - our Harvest Festival! Join us at 9.30am for refreshments and 10am for the service start.

We'll also be collecting for the St Albans District Foodbank.


Book of Remembrance for Queen

St Mary's Church shares in the grief of a nation and the world as we mourn the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A book of condolence is open for signing in church and will remain open until the end of Monday 19 September. The Church is open each day from 8.30am until 5pm (and often later). All are welcome.

Join us for a service of Evening Prayer at 5pm on Friday 9th September, with prayers for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Evening Prayer

Pentecost and Jubilee: Sunday 5th JuneRed, blue and yellow celebratory style image, with invitation to the service on 5th June

Double joy at our service this coming Sunday, designed to suit all ages (and a little bit shorter than our usual Sunday services too).

9.30am for refreshments. 

10am for service start.

 All-Age-All-Together: All Welcome!!

All Age All Together ServicesPoster for all age services. Text in webpage.

These special services are a little bit shorter than usual Sundays and are designed to engage all ages. Our next All-Age-All-Together service will be on Sunday 5th June - a celebratory mash-up for Pentecost and the Jubilee! Join us at 9.30am for refreshments and 10am for the service start.

Then we have a Parade service for our uniformed groups on Sunday 3rd July - an end of the school year celebration where all are welcome.

The Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Council

Sunday 22nd May at 11am in St Mary's Church 

Our APCM will take place at 11am on Sunday 22nd May, after our morning service. Papers can be found below:

Agenda and minutes

Annual Report and Accounts 2021

Additional Reports

Peppercorn Place is OpenPeppercorn Place

Our community garden has reopened for Spring 2022. The space will be open each day and is available for the whole, wider,  community to enjoy. Do pop by and have a look, it is looking really beautiful. Find out more here.

Lent Course: Prayer and Discernment (the Ignatian Way)

Title slide for Prayer and Discernment the Ignatian Way

Our four week Lent Course begins on Monday 7th March. Join us at either 9.30am on Monday or 7.30pm on Wednesday in St Mary's Church. If you are not able to join us in person, you can still join in from home. Go to our Lent course page, where you will find a video with resource links uploaded each Sunday evening for the week ahead.

Mothering Sunday: 27th March Mothering Sunday poster, service is on 27th March at 10am

Our next All-Age-All-Together Service will be on Sunday 27th March, Mothering Sunday beginning at 10am with refreshments from 9.30am. All welcome.

Lent Series

Lent begins on Wednesday 2nd March on Ash Wednesday. Join us for a service of Holy Communion, with the imposition of ashes at 7.30pm.

All-Age-All-Together Services

All age image

We love to welcome children and their families to St Mary's. Check out our page for families to find out about the welcome you can expect and the different ways families can engage in our Sunday services.

Around once a month, on key festival days, we have a service that is particularly suited to younger members of our congregation. They are a bit shorter (around 45 minutes), start a little bit later (9.30am for refreshments, 10am for service start) and are very interactive. 

We call these are All-Age-All-Together services and are next ones will be on:

Sunday 27th February (Promise Sunday; a special day for our uniformed groups)

Sunday 27th March (Mothering Sunday)

Sunday 17th April (Easter Sunday)

We would love to welcome you!

Christmas Eve, Journey to the Manger, 4pm - NOW OUTSIDE

NativityWe are very sorry to tell you that after much thought we have decided to cancel our 4pm ‘Journey to the Manger’ service on Friday 24th December.

We know this will be a huge disappointment but we hope that you will all stay safe and well so you can celebrate Christmas with your family and friends. 

Do still join us outdoors though, for carol singing and Christmas goody bags, from 4pm outside the front of church on Christmas Eve. Bring a lamp or a torch and dress up warm!

Christmas Fair: Saturday 20 November 2021Christmas Fair

10.30 to 1.30pm in St Mary's Church

Start the festive season with St Mary's

  • Live Music
  • Gifts and craft stalls
  • Raffle
  • Tombola
  • Light Lunches
  • Cake Stall

Tickets £8.00 Adults £3.00 students & < 18’sfrom 01727 852364

Tickets £8.00 Adults £3.00 students & < 18’sfrom 0172 8523 6

Remembrance Sunday: Sunday 14th November

We will gather at the war memorial, at the front of St Mary's Church, at 10.55am for a short act of remembrance.

Saturday Morning Coffee Shop

Every Saturday - 10.30am to 12.30pm

Drop in for filter coffee, tea and a warm welcome. 

 New Vicar Welcomed: Monday 6th September 2021

Our new Vicar, the Revd Kate Pearson, joined us on Monday 6 September. There was a special service - the Collation, Induction and Installation Service - to mark the start of her new ministry here.  See below for a few informal photos taken after the service. 

Collation - formal group

Bishop and Kate

Bishop with Richard and Zoe

From left - Paul Wiggins, our Reader: The Revd Kate Pearson, Vicar; The Rt Revd Dr Alan Smith, Lord Bishop of St Albans; 
The Revd Kylie Hodgins, Asst Rural Dean of St Albans; Mandy Attree, server; The Ven Dr Jane Mainwaring, Archdeacon of St Albans

The Bishop 
with Kate Pearson

The Bishop  with
Richard and Zoe Pearson

Kate with Mayor

Kate and Anne

Kate and cake

 Cllr Edgar Hill, Mayor of the City and District
of St Albans with Kate Pearson

 Kate being presented with
welcome hamper from St Mary's
by Anne Brockwell, one of the Churchwardens

 Kate cutting welcome cake

APCM: 16th May 2021  

For results of our Annual Meeting   held 16 May 2021
 including PCC Membership 2021-2022 and the Minutes (to be agreed at 2022 Meetings)

Book Publication

Abbey Chaplaincy book cover

New Book  - The Ecumenical Chaplaincy of St Albans Cathedral

written by Pam McElroy, a member of St Mary's congregation