The Hope Window

Hope WindowThe stained glass window above the church altar was the idea of Fred Dupree who was a regular worshipper at St Mary's. Anyone who wished suggested ideas which Fred combined into a composite design of a cross and dove surrounded by radiating rays of the different colours of the church’s liturgical year.

Fred made the window in his garage between 1987 and 1988 with the help of fellow church members. Rosemary Sheldrick, who also worshipped here, was his main helper.

The window was made in twelve panels for ease of handling. Two full size cartoons were made of each panel, one to be a cutting guide using a light box, the other on which to construct the panel. Each of the 893 pieces of glass was cut by hand as was the lead between each piece. After some 700 hours of work the panels were finished and the window was installed on 14th May 1988.

The Hope Window is a beautiful focal point for worshippers and passersby, especially on dark evenings now that it is lit.